☆Artist by profession,
clown by vocation☆
Contact me through
e-mail [email protected] or SNS
For more:
art status: open
Portrait — 160$
halfbody — 240$
fullbody — 320$
Simple bg (flat color / gradient / simple texture) | free |
Medium bg (blurred background / simple landscapes) | +20-30$ |
Hard bg (complicated landscapes / rooms / etc) | +50% |
Additional characters | +100% |
Commercial use | +100% |
✔ Original characters; fanart; humans; kemonomimi.✖ Robots/mecha; NSFW; furry; violence; realistic portraits; non-consensual interactions.
payment via Boosty (I will provide all the instructions needed; you will pay me with your PayPal or card through Boosty);
100% prepayment;
buy my silence;
commission type;
background complexity;
I work without a deadline. With deadline + 50%
Big fixes after the sketch stage (pose, background details etc.) - +10-150$ for each. You can ask me to change anything on sketch stage and you can ask me to change colors on color stage, but you cant do it after.
Small fixes (if I made a mistake in your char design or if I understood your idea wrong) is free
Little edits if you want to correct something (what is not my mistake and just your desire) in a middle of the work will be free for 2 times and then you need to pay about 10-20 $ per one edit.